Monday, May 11, 2009

About this blog

When I was learning to write in kindergarten in the mid-80s, my hand would frequently cramp up and I would just toss the choo-choo pencil to the other hand and continue merrily. This exasperated my teacher, who insisted I pick a hand and use it exclusively. I tried to tell her that I favored neither over the other and quite liked being able to choose, but she finally pointed to my right hand and sternly commanded that I use THAT ONE. I've always wondered if I was an ambidextrous kid robbed of my unique talent or just too dumb and hyper to care which hand was dominant. This blog will, hopefully, solve the issue once and for all. 

I plan to write at least a paragraph per day with my non-dominant (left) hand, and post the results. I'll also do left-handed exercises, try everyday tasks with my left hand, and post general musings on my progress. 

I can't wait to see if I take to this naturally. Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

  1. i am typing with my left hand .... ssdd d f ghfd ffd gfddfg gdfffd fdds aasdwed gjn lfddf see not too hard
